DAY 11 of 24 Day Challenge (JAN 18)
In Mark 1:17, Jesus approaches a couple of fishermen and invites them to follow Him and that He would now make them to be fishers of men. Jesus challenges His followers to join His mission of fishing for people. You and I have the orders from our Master to give the Good News of the gospel. In our passage today found in Matthew 13:47-50, Jesus presents a parable of a drag net that gathers fish to be sorted. The lesson of this parable is that the sort process involves separating the unsaved from the saved. The day will come when everyone will stand before God and give account for his own life (Heb. 9:27). Those who have placed their faith in Jesus will be spared from judgment. It is up to God to do the sorting but you and I are called to bring people to Christ. Are you casting the gospel net today so that others can come to Christ?