Why L1FE GROUPS (small groups)?
Many churches focus on preaching and Bible classes as the primary means for Christian growth and view ministry as something to be conducted primarily by professional clergy. The Bible lays out a more relational approach to growth. The early church gathered in large group settings to hear the Scriptures read but then gathered in smaller environments where biblical principles could be lived out (Acts 2:42, 46). We believe all Christians have a part in ministering to others through teaching, mentoring and caring for one another and small groups provide the best environment for this to occur. As the church grows bigger, it must also grow smaller. Small groups, or LIFE Groups (as we call them), are essential to building community and fostering spiritual growth within the church. LIFE Groups are safe place to share support each other and do life together.
Our LIFE Groups offer opportunities to:
Ask questions
Belong in community
Understand God's Word
Share burdens and challenges
Pray for one another
Serve one another
Ask questions
Belong in community
Understand God's Word
Share burdens and challenges
Pray for one another
Serve one another